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What is Dry Aged?Dry aging is a process whereby beef carcasses are stored – without protective packaging – at low refrigeration temperatures for one to four weeks to allow the natural enzymes to break down the meat which results in increased tenderness and the development of the unique flavor that can only be described as “dry-aged beef.” Most processors will dry age for 14 days. Any time longer than that will require an additional charge per pound per day. FYI - premium cuts of "AGED BEEF" are usually dry aged for 28 days.
What is your finishing feed blend?We work with a large coop to make sure we have a premium quality of clean antibiotic and hormone-free rations for finishing our beef. The ratio we use is as follows: Corn - 50% Alfalfa - 24% Molasses - 5% Soybean - 5% Cottonseed Hulls - 15% Calcium - 2% This blend gives a premium flavor and blend of marbling that makes the meat tender and delicious. In addition, our beef always have a supply of farm-raised hay for additional roughage and fresh spring water with no chemicals added.
How much meat will I get out of my beef?That answer is explained in detail on the process page.
What weight do you usually let your beef grow to?We like to feed our calves out to 1,000 - 1,200 pounds. We have found that higher weights can sometimes lead to less tenderness.
Do you sell beef by the package/cut instead of having to order a large amount?At this time no. We are looking at that option for the future.
Where do you get your meat processed?We process our own beef right here on the farm. We have been processing for ourselves for three generations but have never done it commercially. After having trouble getting our calves into a site anywhere throughout the state, we decided to just open a facility ourselves. We are hoping it will be up and running by fall of 2020.
Is your meat certified organic?No. While we implement as many organic practices as possible, we are not "certified" organic. Our cattle and our chicken are never given any type of implants, hormones, steroids, or antibiotics as a method of growth or bulking agents.
Is your beef grass-fed or grain-fed?Our beef is grass fed up until the time we pull them for the purpose of processing. At that time, we put them in our own lot and feed them out for 60-90 days on a generous ration of a custom blend of feed. See the previous FAQ for more information.
Is there a minimum order?Yes. Currently, the minimum order is 1/4 a beef.
Which quarter do I get?When you buy 1/4 or 1/2 a beef, you are buying it by the weight. You don't get just the front or back quarter, you get an assortment of cuts from the whole beef.
Can I get extra lean hamburger?The ration of meat to fat in ground beef is totally dependent upon the fatness or leanness of the beef. If it is extremely lean, then you will just have lean product, we cannot add fat from another animal to your order. If the animal is rolling fat, we can reduce the amount in the burger or make it however fat you would like. However, it is impossible to get an exact ratio of any proportion. Our standard is 85/15 and has just enough fat to give it excellent flavor, keep it from sticking to the pan, but not swim in grease or shrivel to nothing.
How much will I pay for 1/2 a beef?The price varies a little depending on market price, the weight of the beef and the current processing fee. On average, for 1/2 a 1k lb. live weight beef, you will pay a total of $1,490. This includes estimated processing fee. It works out to about $9.03/ pound of meat, across the board. Read more.
How much will I pay for 1/4 a beef?The price varies a little depending on market price, the weight of the beef and the current processing fee. On average, for 1/2 a 1k lb. live weight beef, you will pay a total of $745. This includes estimated processing fee. It works out to about $8.76/ pound of meat, across the board. Read more.
Why the pricing difference on the beef?Selling a live animal as a a half or a quarter vs. a whole is a unique challenge. If we only sell a partial beef, our freezers get full quickly and we personally are not allowed to sell individual packages of meat. We have to have the whole beef spoken for / sold before we can take it to the processing plant. It is also more complicated at the processing plant for us to take in one live animal and have them divide it among many individuals. The more an individual buys, the less per pound they are going to pay.
Do you deliver?NO. We do not deliver. Once hanging weight has been determined and you have paid the balance for the boof, our responsibility ends. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for your own beef.
Where do I pick up my beef?You will pick your beef up right here on the farm at our processing plant, The Fatted Calf, LLC.
What if I change my mind?Our refund policy states that refunds are not available after 30 days. You have until then to change your mind. After 30 days a refund will not be issued.
What does my down payment cover?The down payment reserves your live beef. Once the animal has been taken to the processing plant and the hanging weight has been determined, we will calculate your balance due. Hanging weight x 3.50= Total amount. Total amount - down payment = balance due. See The Process page for more detailed information.
I live outside of Oklahoma. Can I buy beef from you?Yes. You have to come to the processing plant in Oklahoma to pick it up. We can not ship for the following reason: Becasue we are doing custom meat, it is not federally inspected, and only Federally inspected, USDA approved meat can be shipped across state lines. See, What is custom processing question.
What is custom processing?If livestock producers wish to sell meat, they must have their livestock slaughtered and processed at a U.S. Department of Agriculture-inspected facility. Some producers have chosen to sell live animals, which the customers, as the new owners, can then have processed at a “custom-exempt,” state-licensed facility. For example, Nicolai Farms sells one live beef to four people, each of whom gets a one-fourth share of the meat from that beef. This practice is not only cost-effective for both Nicolai Farms and the customer but also entirely legal if some simple rules are followed. What does “custom-exempt” mean for slaughter or processing? A “custom-exempt” plant, exempt from continuous inspection, can only slaughter and process livestock for the exclusive use of the owners, the owner’s family, and nonpaying guests. Packages of custom-processed meat and poultry must be labeled “NOT FOR SALE." The “NOT FOR SALE” label is required because, by law, the meat cannot be sold, traded, bartered or given away, such as to a food bank. Custom-exempt operations are typically thought to process game meat for hunters, but they usually offer processing services to anyone who wants an animal processed for personal use. Processing businesses that operate under this exemption are inspected by the OK Department of Agriculture once or twice a year. (This is not the same as daily or continuous inspection for USDA-inspected processors.) Custom-exempt processing (also called “cut and wrap”) plants are expected to meet the same requirements for sanitation and construction that USDA-inspected plants must meet, along with keeping certain records.
Why does my beef say, "NOT FOR SALE?""Packages of custom-processed meat and poultry must be labeled “NOT FOR SALE." The “NOT FOR SALE” label is required because, by law, the meat cannot be sold, traded, bartered or given away, such as to a food bank. AKA - not for REsale. It is custom processed for the owner (you) only.
I want my beef a certain way. Is that possible?Yes! That's the beauty of custom processing. After you make your deposit, you will be sent instructions and a link to an order form. This form allows you to tell the processor just how you want your beef processed. The form can be confusing if you have never done custom processing before, so we have provided a detailed explanition of the various cuts on the bottom of the page containing the link to the form. If you are purchasing a quarter of beef or less, you will have fewer options. It is extremely difficult if not impossible to accurately cut 1/2 of 1/2 beef in different portions. Quarter beef or less options will get our standard cut of 1" in steak thickness, roasts will be 2-3 pounds, and you will be able to choose how you want your ground beef packaged.
Do you have a payment plan?Yes. We do allow for installments to be made over a three month period. These installments are strictly for the live beef only (that amount which is owed to Nicolai Farms). IT DOES NOT INCLUDE THE PROCESSING. The payments will break down as follows: Installment 1: Required deposit for the portion of beef you are purchasing. Installment 2: Within 45 days from initial deposit, a second payment, equal to the initial deposit will be due. Installment 3: When the beef is taken to the processor and the actual weight of your portion of beef is determined, you pay the remaining balance owed. For a break down on how that is calcualted, see The Process page. Contact us to arrange your payment plan and reserve your beef. The refund policy still applies. Beef cannot be picked up from the processor until the balance due to Nicolai Farms is paid in full.
Can I get all the cuts of steak on the order sheet?That is a good question. The order form has the option of Sirloin, T-bone, Filet, and Strip (some call it NY, some call it KC). However, unless you are purchasing a whole beef, you will not be able to get T-bones, fillets, and strips. Why? Well, the T-bone is actuall a combination of the fillet and the strip with the bone in between holding the two together. So, they are the same cut of meat but with or without bone. If you are ordering a whole beef, you can split those up and do 1/2 in T-bones and 1/2 in fillets and strips. But, if you are ordering a half beef or less, it is difficult to calculate exactly hoiw many steaks you would have and to divide them up equally would be a time consuming process.

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