Rocking N Precision
Shooting Range
On our north place, we have a shooting range for handguns, rifles, long-range rifles, and skeet shooting. It is available by appointment only and you must sign liability waivers.
For more information, contact Ben Nicolai.


With targets unto a mile in distance, you can work on your long-range skills at this site.
Here on the farm we like things simple. We have three main tenants that we hold to and it pretty much applies to everything we do.
First of all, our faith is what sustains us. God is the foundation that everything is built upon. Without His guidance and grace, we would be nothing. He has seen us through both feast and famine and we give Him first place in our personal lives and our business.
Second, our family is our greatest earthly treasure. The Lord has blessed us with the best kids anyone could ask for and they have in turn blessed us with 14 grandchildren! It is a privilege to have been able to raise our kids on the farm and teach them a work ethic and respect for the land. Our family is the most important earthly treasure we have and we thank God for them everyday.
Finally, the farm is our legacy. This farm was homesteaded long before statehood and it has been in our family ever since. It is our legacy. It is who we are. The hard work and sacrifices that were made to clear the trees, break the sod, fight off pestilence, and survive the droughts of the dust bowl showed the true grit and determination of our great-grandparents who came to this country from Germany to live in the land of the free. The promise of freedom and the excitement of a life in unsettled territory opened the door for our family and many other to settle what we think became the best state in the Union.
We stand proudly as the 4th, 5th and 6th generations of Sod Busters who still hold onto that country pride as we continue to live off the land and instill those same values in the generations to follow.